Do you love YGB and would like to show your support by helping out?
Well…here are a few things we would greatly appreciate!
Send us your pictures or videos!
Post comments to this website!
Make a donation to support campers who have financial needs!
I believe that even if we bring in one more camper to YGB because of our combined efforts, it is one more life that we have the opportunity to positively impact. We take pride in what we do. We not only create better players but better people. Thank you for all you do to support YGB!
Are you familiar with websites?
Updating a website is something beyond my level of expertise but if you have knowledge in this area, I could use your help!
Do you own a business or can you talk to a local business who would be interested in being a sponsor?
I can advertise the business by printing on the shirts or including a blurb at the bottom of the emails I send out to reach out to hundreds of people.
Do you have connections with any colleges who would like me to come speak to one of their groups?
I spoke to a college group about leadership recently but the message can be tailored to the needs of the community.
Do you have connections with the public schools in town or the local park and rec department?
To get flyers out through the public schools will give us a chance to reach even more people. The park and rec department could also be a great place to market camp town-wide.
Do you know anything about yard signs, from making them to permission to use them around town?
I often see camps advertised with little signs around town and always wonder how that all worked. I think it could help us get word out and open camp up to new people.
Can you set up a new group for me to speak to or run a retreat for?
Any connection you can make to allow me the chance to share a positive message and plant seeds would be greatly appreciated!
Would you like to read and record one of my books?
Some prefer listening to books while driving. Having a CD to make this happen would be great!
Do you have connections to a new location to run camp?
We are always open to ways of bringing YGB into new communities!
Do you like to write?
I have posted to the local Patches from time to time but I think it would be nice to have a parent supporter write on our behalf.
Do you coach a public school team or know a coach who can get flyers out to the families?
Sometimes coaches like to sign up their teams for summer camp to keep the skills going year round. Getting this info out during the winter before the season ends is a good time to do this.
If you are interested in supporting us in any of these ways or would like more info about anything here FOR A FREE WEEK please email me.
You could earn a free week of camp by starting up a new location!
Our new online store offers the books/dvds! Over 1,000 books are out there and I’m so happy that I may have to print more soon! It would mean a lot to help me pass along these positive messages and they make great gifts!
Thanks so much to Marchello (parent of camper) who wrote this article about camp! YGB wouldn’t be what it is without the support of so many wonderful parents. Thank you all!
If you can help out in any way or know someone who can, please fill out this form.
Thank you in advance for all you do to make YGB a success!